Monday, February 28, 2011

Entrada Cuatro

Entrada Cuatro – En esta entrada tienes que escribir sobre las vacaciones de primavera. You may write about the whole break or one specific event.  Be creative (an appropriate picture would be nice) and write between 125-150 words.  Please proof read your work before posting. March 30, 2011 @ 8:00pm.
Peer Review Read several of your peers’ blog entries about Spring Break. (complete list of blogs found on to the right).  Choose at least two blog entries that you like.  Post a comment (in Spanish) on both entries.  The comments are open to whatever you would like to say (as long as it is appropriate).  Post by March 31, 2011 @ 8:00pm. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Entrada Tres

Entrada Tres – En esta entrada tienes que contarnos algo que te pasó.  Hay que usar el imperfecto y pretérito. Puedes elegir uno de los siguientes temas: Una cita (date), Cena en un restaurant, Al comer con la familia/amigos, o Comida extranjera. La entrada debe tener 125-150 palabras. (Don’t forget to proof read your entry.)  Feb 27, 2011 @ 8:00pm
Peer Review – You should review the people right above and below on the list to the right. You need to read each entry and try and find a few mistakes or errors.  You should post your suggestions and corrections under the blog entry.
After you have completed your review, read what your peers posted about your entry.  Go back and rewrite and edit Entrada Tres.  After you have made changes to your entry repost the entry.  This final version will be the one that is graded by your instructor. Complete by Feb 28, 2010 @ 8:00pm.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Entrada Dos

Entrada Dos – Write about what you did over Winter or Summer Break.  Give your entry an appropriate title.  Use the past tense (the main focus is on Preterite though if you need to use Imperfect do so).  Your entry should be between 125-150 words.  If you would like to add one appropriate picture to this entry to make it more interesting please do so (not required on this entry).   Needs to be posted by Feb 21, 2011 @ 8:00pm.
Peer Review Open several of your peers’ blogs (complete list found on instructor’s blog).  Choose two blogs and read them completely. Post comments on both entries (Primera entrada and Entrada dos) on both the blogs you choose.  These comments are whatever you have to say or add to the blog entries.  They should be complete sentences in Spanish and appropriate.   Your four comments need to be posted by Feb 22, 2011 @ 8:00pm. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

La Primera Entrada

La primera entrada - In your first blog entry please present yourself.  Include information about yourself that your readers might find interesting (nombre, enfoque de estudios, lo que te gusta o no te gusta, clases, pasatiempos, etc.) Your entry should be between 75-100 words and needs to be posted by Feb 11, 2011 @ 8:00pm.