Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Entrada final

Entrada final This is your final blog entry and therefore should reflect your Spanish skills at the end of first year Spanish.  In this entry you should write about and reflect on your experiences with first year Spanish (both 1010 & 1020, or just 1020).  You can write about what you have learned, have done, have not done, etc.  You can write about what you liked, didn’t like, would change, etc.  You can write about the people you have meet, worked with, etc.  You can write about what you would change, do differently, etc.  You should also include your plans for furthering your Spanish studies; classes you will take, books you will read, places you will visit, etc.  Your reflection entry should be 200-230 words.  Make sure to proof read your entry and that it reflects your best work (accent marks, correct spelling, grammar, no online translators, etc.).  Midnight - April 24th

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